Use "gamete|gametes" in a sentence

1. As gamete-production proceeds, it will have a non-zero probability of death or of becoming unable to produce gametes.

2. In the Anisogamy model, the energy requirements of zygotes must be sufficiently larger than those of gametes to allow the divergence of gamete sizes

3. Gamete intrafallopian transfer ( GIFT )

4. Androecium, Female Gametes, Male Gametes, Ovules, Pistil, Pollen Grains, Stamen

5. To address this, we developed gamete Binning, a method based on single-cell sequencing of haploid gametes enabling separation of the whole-genome sequencing reads into haplotype-specific reads sets

6. Archegonia produce female gametes

7. The smaller gamete is considered to be male (), whereas the larger gamete is regarded as female ().There are several types of Anisogamy

8. Of Antherozooid”, “The motile male gamete produced in an antheridium” and “Motile (or independently moving) male gamete produced by algae”.

9. Archegonium also contains the female gamete which is called egg

10. The hallmark components of Apomixis include female gamete

11. Oogamy is a form of Anisogamy in which fusion of immotile, large female gamete (egg) occurs with motile, small male gamete (sperm)

12. Antherozoid definition is - a motile male gamete : spermatozoid.

13. Antherozooid Motile male gamete produced in the antheridium

14. Anisogamy - (biology) reproduction by the union or fusion of two differing gametes (especially differing in size) biological science, biology - the science that studies living organisms amphimixis, sexual reproduction - reproduction involving the union or fusion of a male and a female gamete

15. Is that Antheridium is (botany) an organ producing male gametes called antherozoids, found in bryophytes while archegonium is (botany) a multicellular reproductive structure that contains a large, non-motile gamete (egg cell), and within which an embryo will develop

16. Anisogamy The fusion of gametes of different sizes

17. Antherozoid: or spermatozoid a mobile male GAMETE having flagella (see FLAGELLUM ).

18. The female reproductive cell or gamete of animals; egg.

19. In these groups, gametes are produced by mitosis.

20. Each Archegonium encloses an ovum which is the female gamete

21. Antherozoid definition, the motile male gamete produced in an antheridium

22. Each Archegonium encloses an ovum which is the female gamete

23. A female produces few, large, immobile gametes called eggs.

24. The gamete - producing phase in a plant characterized by alternation of generations.

25. Diploidy is restored when two haploid gametes fuse.

26. Antherozoids the male gamete in bryophytes are attracted towards Archegonium i.e

27. Agamogenesis is any form of reproduction that does not involve a male gamete.

28. The male gamete of algae, some gymnosperms , and the non - seed - bearing plants.

29. We start from the gross difference in size of the male and female gamete.

30. Anisogamy is the fusion of gametes in dissimilar size

31. An Antheridium forms a large number of male gametes

32. In contextbotanylang=en terms the difference between antheridium and Archegonium is that antheridium is (botany) an organ producing male gametes called antherozoids, found in bryophytes while Archegonium is (botany) a multicellular reproductive structure that contains a large, non-motile gamete (egg cell), and within which an embryo will develop

33. The effect of gamete treatment was similiar to that of zygote treatment.

34. In Bryophytes the process requires the production of male gametes (sperm), female gametes (eggs) and some means of getting the sperm to the eggs

35. Antherozoid: 1 n a motile male gamete of a plant such as an alga or fern or gymnosperm Synonyms: spermatozoid Type of: gamete a mature sexual reproductive cell having a single set of …

36. Antherozoid - a motile male gamete of a plant such as an alga or fern or gymnosperm spermatozoid gamete - a mature sexual reproductive cell having a single set of unpaired chromosomes

37. Antherozoid - a motile male gamete of a plant such as an alga or fern or gymnosperm spermatozoid gamete - a mature sexual reproductive cell having a single set of unpaired chromosomes

38. If the gametes come from different individuals, we talk about Allogamy

39. But size is not the only difference between male and female gametes.

40. The main function of the Antheridium is to produce and store the male gametes also known as the sperms.These male gametes are released when it matures.

41. Antherozoid definition: a motile male gamete of a plant such as an alga or fern or gymnosperm synonyms: spermatozoid, gamete is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions.

42. Male gametes are called Antherozoids and are produced in Antheridia

43. The male gametes produced in an Antheridium are usually motile

44. Sexual reproduction begins when two D. salina’s flagella touch leading to gamete fusion.

45. Intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization and gamete intrafallopian transfer ( GIFT ) are additional options.

46. Autogamy, the production of gametes by the division of a single parent

47. The formation of a zygote by the union of genetically different gametes.

48. Such plants produce gametes possessing one member of each allele pair .

49. Many countries have laws that allow children to know who their gamete donor is.

50. Gemete Antherozoids Mucilage 8 Female gametes in gametangium SEGG A B Figure 1

51. Anisogamy the state in which the GAMETES are different from each other, i.e

52. One , it halves the chromosomal number of the diploid cells to form the haploid gamete .

53. In one type of Anisogamy, both gametes can be flagellated and hence are motile.

54. Antherozoid ( spermatozoid ) The male gamete of algae, some gymnosperms , and the non - seed - bearing plants.

55. Agamic (not comparable) Occurring without the union of male and female gametes; asexual; Translations

56. Among spore plants, a type of Allogamy using male gametes instead of pollen is common.

57. What is Autogamy? Answer: – In Autogamy, the male and female gametes are produced by the same cell or same organism and both the gametes fuse together to form a zygote e.g

58. Archegonium is the female sex organ, which produces female gametes mainly in cryptogams

59. Key words: haploids, wild species, 2n gametes, first division restitution, second division restitution.

60. In a process called imprinting, some genes in a gamete off, while others are turned on.

61. The transmission frequency of gametes with 6V in heterozygous plants were decreased clearly.

62. Exogamy The fusion of gametes produced by organisms that are not closely related.

63. The typical male gamete is small , notile ( by means of UNDULIPODIA ),[Sentencedict] and produced in large numbers.

64. Anisogamy is the fusion of two gametes in dissimilar morphology: size and the form

65. At fertilization, when the haploid gametes fuse, the diploid number of chromosomes is restored.

66. This explains why there are two genders, one with small gametes, the other with large ones.

67. There is a clear dichotomy between the two hormones' physiological responses on gamete production and stimulation of Amplexus

68. The Anthers contain pollen sacs which make and release pollen grains; each pollen grain contains a male gamete

69. Typically, the motile male gametes swim through the water films to enter into the Archegonia

70. Antheridium definition, a male reproductive structure producing gametes, occurring in ferns, mosses, fungi, and algae

71. The allelomorph causing a higher fertility is dominant over the allelomorph, producing less euploid gametes.

72. These large gametes will inevitably be produced in smaller numbers and they will lack mobility.

73. Unreduced gametes are common in plants and likely represent the most frequent route to polyploidy .

74. Antheridia are structures found in some organisms that produce male sex cells, also known as sperm or gametes

75. The haploid sex cells or gametes are formed by a type of cell division called meiosis .

76. For example, in the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, there are so-called "plus" and "minus" gametes.

77. A male is defined as the gender that produces sperm or pollen: small, mobile, multitudinous gametes.

78. It could undergo mitosis to produce more germ cells, but we'll talk about how it produces the gametes.

79. This is unusual, however, considering that many plant species have evolved to become incompatible with their own gametes.

80. This is a specific subset of the larger category Autogamy, in which two gametes from the same individual fuse.